Contact Us
The best way to make contact is via email. We will always reply within 2-3 hours. We can get mobile calls but reception isn’t great so email
Or feel free to fill out the form on this page and we will get in touch with you promptly.
Please include the number of guests in your enquiry.
With thanks,
+61 417 115 162 Whatsapp
Deervale Road, Deer Vale (Dorrigo), NSW 2453
Dorrigo Bush Pepper Retreat is located west of Dorrigo township on Waterfall Way, approximately 15 minutes drive or 21 kms. Stay on Waterfall Way for 20km, then turn right on Deervale Road (turn right after Nashes Road). Drive 1km and we’re the second gate on the left.
We will send you a self check-in code on the day of your check-in.